Wednesday, 2 January 2013

The Final Bake of Christmas!

The end is here at last! The twelve bakes of Christmas turned out to be a lot harder than I had expected! I really hope that they were vaguely interesting, inspiring, or useful to you guys, they certainly made me think more about great bakes and what are my favourite; I think it as to be the peanut butter squares as I hadn't really thought of myself as a peanut butter person until then, and they are super yummy! So the final bake (well...not really a bake, but something yummy) are... Milkshakes! After all the food and stodge (yes; that is a word!) of Christmas and new year the final bake needed to be something tasty but not too sweet! I made a banana milkshake, super simple all you need is a small amount of natural yogurt, couple of spoons of sugar, splash of milk, and two bananas. Pour all the ingredients into a blender and blitz until smooth! Enjoy! xxx
Much love Alex-Rose xxx


  1. Hello!! I a just popping by to say thank you for kindly commenting on my little blog space. I am off to explore here…although i fear it is going to make me verrry hungry lol xxxxx

  2. This looks so yummy! So glad I just ate before I read this :)

    whiskey for breakfast
    365 sleepy days

    1. It was scrummy but super simple too! xx

  3. Thanks for visiting my blog!! Twelve bakes of Christmas what a cute idea! I love milkshakes would love to try this one!!

    Summer x
