Wednesday, 20 March 2013

Exiting Stuff

Recently this week I was contacted by the lovely Cupcake Girl from My Cupcake Habit (check out her blog it is so worth a read!) to tell me that she would like to nominate me for the Versatile Blog Award! I was so surprised, and so touched! It came as such a shock as this blog is only a baby, not yet six months old. 

So I'll explain a little about the award, it's passed on from blogger to blogger, if/when you are nominated you must then do two things: firstly nominate 15 more bloggers, then tell your readers (you guys) seven facts about yourself so that they know a little more about you.

So lets get started, the fifteen bloggers that I am nominating are:

  1. Being little -by lyzi
  2. Sprinkle of Glitter -by Louise
  3. Ella -by Ella
  4. Ruby Ruby Slippers -by Lianne
  5. Sally Tangle -by Sally
  6. Frikken Duckie -by Duckie
  7. Light and Sweet -by Filiz
  8. Amour La Fille -by Leah
  9. Zoella -by Zoe
  10. 'Amy Valentine -by Amy
  11. Bonjour Cupcake -by Amy
  12. Charlestown Vintage -by Charlie
  13. From Gem Love -by Gem
  14. Spoon Fork Bacon -by Jenny and Teri
  15. The Briar Rose Blog -by Megan
Now for seven facts about me:

  1. I have one older sister, two older step-sisters, one younger step brother and one much younger half brother; lots, I know!
  2. I currently have a bouncy dog called Barney (spaniel and collie cross, 1 1/2 years old) and a lazy but cuddly tabby cat called Titch. 
  3. I used to play the Oboe, but I quit...
  4. I started this blog 5 months ago because I love reading other peoples blog and was encouraged to start my own.
  5. The first blog I ever read was being little by Lyzi
  6. I am grade four in Tap, and also do contemporary.
  7. When I was little my favourite toy was a red cow called "cow", I was such an imaginative child... (sarcasm)
Hope you've enjoyed this,
Much love Alex-Rose xxx


  1. not sure if my comment frm my phone wrkd,.. thanks, I enjoyed reading your facts. I like this getting to know ppl better from theses posts

    1. Don't think it did as there's nothing here..? But thank you, and thank you again xxx :)
